Bridges 021 and 022 (Twin Bridges) Replacement

The new superstructures are now installed and backfilling the approaches, installation of the barrier/guardrail system, and preparing the roadway are currently in progress. 

The Municipality of Meaford plans to replace structures BR-021 and BR-022, also called the Twin Bridges. The structures are located on Holland-Sydenham Townline between Grey Road 29 and 2nd Concession South.

 Project Description

The Twin Bridges (BR-021 & BR-022) have been closed since 2016 due to their poor conditions.

An Environmental Assessment (EA) was completed between 2016 and 20218, that identified that the structures were to be removed and not replaced.

In August 2023 Council passed a resolution to proceed with reopening the structures. Staff then completed background review of the design build process, proprietary bridge types and Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) requirements.

Prior to proceeding with construction of the bridges the environmental assessment process must be followed to change the direction provided existing Environmental Assessment.

Following completion of the update to the Environmental Assessment, the existing structures will be removed, and new structures installed.

Project Timeline

Environmental Assessment (EA) Update: Summer 2024

Construction: End of November 2024 to mid December 2024


Estimated Replacement Cost: $1,032,820


Joel Saunders

Project Manager – Infrastructure
Municipality of Meaford
21 Trowbridge Street West, Meaford
Phone: 519 538-1060 extension 1319


Notice of Addendum - Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Schedule B Bridges 21 & 22 

Environmental  Assessment Addendum

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