Development Name: Commercial Dog Kennel (Howlers Dog Sports)
File Numbers: OPA35 and Z10-2022
Location: 397531 Concession 10 (Sydenham)
Proposal: The Owners are seeking permission for a 446 square metre Commercial Dog Kennel and Training Facility on the lands. The Owners have requested an Official Plan Amendment and a Zoning Amendment to allow these uses and to allow an addition to the existing house.
The Meaford Official Plan designates the property Rural and Environmental Protection. The Rural designation permits a Commercial Dog Kennel, subject to certain criteria, including requiring the use to be located a minimum of 100 metres from a property line. The application requests relief from this policy to allow the kennel to be a minimum of 11 metres from the south property line. The proposed kennel building would be constructed within the building cluster behind the existing dwelling. The existing dog run area along the south property line would be removed and relocated to the area adjacent to the kennel.
Within Zoning By-law 60-2009, the lands are zoned Rural Exception 248 (RU-248), Environmental Protection (EP) and Holding Symbol (H4). Exception 248 applies the site-specific building envelope on the lands, related to protection of nearby natural heritage features. The requested Zoning Amendment would add the use of Commercial Kennel up to 20 dogs and would also increase the size of the Building Envelope on the lands to allow for an addition to the existing dwelling slightly outside the currently approved building envelope. The proposed maximum size of the kennel and training buildings is 446 square metres.
Submitted materials in support of these applications is available for download below (see documents and notices).
Units: Not Applicable
Status: Zoning Appealed to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT Case Number: OLT-23-001306).
County of Grey approved OPA 35 on March 25, 2024. See notices below.
See staff report available as part of October 30, 2023 agenda). Notices and decisions are posted in the sections below.
Public Meeting: Public meeting was held on May 8, 2023 at 5:00 PM.
You can watch the livestream or video of public meetings on the Municipality of Meaford’s YouTube channel at
Municipal Notices and Documents |
Notice of Decision - County of Grey Approval of OPA35 |
Applicant Submissions |
1. Official Plan Amendment Application OPA35 2. Zoning By-law Amendment Application Z10-2022 3. Applicants Letter in Support of Applications |
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