Are you thinking of Severing Land?
If you are thinking about severing land from your property, you need the "consent" of the Municipality.
Section 50 of the Planning Act sets out specific circumstances where land can be subdivided or by which an interest in land can be conveyed to another person.
The Consent process, under Section 53 of the Act, is typically used to provide for the creation of a new lot; the enlargement of a lot/alteration to existing lot boundaries; or the creation of a right-of-way or easement that extends beyond 21 years in duration.
The Municipality of Meaford's Committee of Adjustment has been delegated the authority of Council to make decisions on applications for consent. All decisions of the Committee must conform to applicable Official Plans and must be consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement.
Should you be interested in pursuing an application for consent, Staff strongly recommend you participate in a pre-submission consultation. At this meeting, we will review the applicable policy, discuss the procedure and requirements, and help you to determine the costs and timeframes involved with completing your consent transaction.
For additional information on severances, please visit the Ontario's Citizen's Guide to Land Use Planning - Land Severances (Consent)
Download the application form to apply for a Land Severance:
Do you think you need a Minor Variance?
A minor variance is a special permission to excuse a landowner from one or more of the rules set out in the the Zoning By-law. A minor variance cannot add new uses or allow prohibited uses, but can help with things like reducing a setback, increase in height or other zoning regulations.
The authority for the Municipality to give a minor variance is from Section 45(1) of the Planning Act. When evaluating an application for minor variance, Staff and the Committee of Adjustment must consider how the proposal meets the what is known as the 'four tests' of a minor variance. Each test must be met in order for the Committee to approve an application.
Four Tests:
- The variance must be minor
- The variance must be desirable for the appropriate development or use of the land, building or structure
- The general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law must be maintained
- The general intent and purpose of the Official Plan must be maintained
Should you be interested in submitting an application for Minor Variance, you are encouraged to consult with planning staff to ensure your proposal is supported by the four tests.
Download the Application Form to apply for a Minor Variance: Minor Variance Application
Committee of Adjustment
Decisions on both Land Severance and Minor Variances are the responsibility of the Committee of Adjustment. The Committee of Adjustment is a 'quasi-judicial' body established by Council as permitted by Section 44(1) of the Planning Act. The Municipality of Meaford's Committee of Adjustment is comprised of five appointed members who meet on a monthly basis to hear applications for consent, minor variance, and alterations to legal non-conforming structures and uses.
In accordance with the Planning Act, notice of a Public Hearing is given at least 14 days prior to meetings related to consent applications, and 10 days prior to a meeting for a minor variance. A Public Hearing can take between 15-60 minutes for each matter, depending upon the complexity of the application and any agency or public comments that are raised with respect to the file.
Committee of Adjustment 2024 Schedule and Application Cut-off dates
Virtual Meeting Information |
Committee of Adjustment now meets for Public Hearings in person, with an option to join the meeting remotely via Zoom. All meetings will be broadcast live and on demand on the municipal YouTube channel. Meeting agendas are available on the Council Portal. If you would like to speak on an application, you can do so by providing comments in writing to to be read at the Committee meeting. If you wish to register as an attendee for a virtual public meeting, you must register with the Secretary-Treasurer by emailing no later than noon on the meeting date. The following virtual meeting guides include information on how to join and participate in a meeting once registered with the Secretary-Treasurer: |
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