How Does Zoning Work?
The Zoning By-Law implements a community's Official Plan. As a by-law, it is a legal tool to control how land may be used, the types and sizes of buildings allowed, and where they can be located on a lot. Other regulations include accessory uses, parking, driveways, and in some cases the Zoning By-law lists prohibited uses.
The Zoning By-law establishes a number of different categories or 'Zones', and specifies the types of uses and structures that are permitted in each zone.
For more information about how Zoning By-laws are use and how they affect property, see the Ontario Citizen's Guide for Zoning By-laws:
How do I use the Zoning By-law?
Start by finding the zoning category of the property you are interested in using one of the two mapping options. Then look up the Zone Category in the Zoning By-law. You should also check the General Provisions and Definitions sections for more information about permitted uses and what the different uses mean.
Online Mapping:
Meaford GIS Portal - Online Zoning Mapping Tool
PDF Maps:
Zoning By-Law PDF Maps Here Zoning By-law text:
Click Here to View Zoning By-law 60-2009
Amending the Zoning By-Law
In some cases, a property owner may wish to apply for a Zoning By-law Amendment if the owner's plans do not align with the current zoning category or provisions.
Note that an amendment to the Zoning By-Law must conform with both the County of Grey Official Plan and the Meaford Official Plan. Please consult with the Land Use Designation of your property in the Official Plans before considering a Zoning By-law Amendment.
Before you apply for a zoning amendment, you will need to book a Pre-Application Consultation with our staff who will discuss your plans with you and provide guidance on the process. We can be reached at or 519-538-1060 extension 1127.
Holding H1 Removal
If you own property that is not on an opened and maintained municipal or provincial road, you may have a Holding (H1) symbol on your property that must be removed prior to certain types of development.
The H1 symbol prohibits the development of a dwelling and any enlargement, renovation or addition to a dwelling unit that existed on the date the implementing Zoning By-law is passed by Council, until the owner enters into a Site Plan Control Agreement with the Municipality of Meaford. If the H1 applies to you and you wish to apply to remove it, use the H1 Removal Application.
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