Ensuring Sustainability:
Climate Change Mitigation and Resiliency 

The Municipality will develop a climate change plan, which will primarily be based on the existing Grey County Climate Change Action Plan. The plan will focus on scope 1 carbon classification and consider scope 2 and scope 3 carbon classifications for items of significant impact. The Plan will identify action items the Municipality will take to reduce CO2 emissions and improve resiliency.

Project Scope

The Climate Change Mitigation and Resiliency project will focus on the corporate change actions to reduce impacts on the environment, including: 

  • Developing a list of projects already completed by the Municipality to reduce CO2 emission and energy consumption, as well as project to increase the Municipality’s resiliency to the impacts of climate change.
  • Identify current municipal CO2 emissions.
  • Set a climate change goal for the Municipality and develop a plan to reach the climate change goal which will include capital projects and corporate initiatives.
  •  Identify projects and processes to increase the Municipality’s ability to respond to the impacts of climate change at a corporate level.
The Municipality will work in conjunction with the County and neighbouring municipalities to reach and promote the climate change goal. 
Climate Action Plan Process

Staff are currently working to collect background information from municipal departments to identify the projects that have been completed to date that have allowed for a reduction of CO2 emissions or increased asset resiliency.

A review of current operations will be completed to calculate the existing CO2 emissions for the Municipality. This all help identify areas of more significant CO2 emissions and will be the basis for developing a climate change action plan.

The County Climate Action Plan and other municipal action plans will be reviewed and become the basis for the development of corporate climate action items. Following development of a corporate action plan staff will bring a report to Council for approval.

Next Steps
Following approval of the Climate Action Plan, further actions will be taken through budget approval and further development of corporate action items. This will include communication with the public and Council to provide updates on CO2 emission reductions and improved climate resiliency.

Background Review – Q2/Q3 2023

Calculate CO2 emissions – Q4 2023

Develop Corporate Climate Action Plan – Q1/Q2 2024

Council Report – Q3 2024

Communication with County – Ongoing

Communication with Community – 2024

Project Updates
There are no current project updates. Please check back to this page. 

Tori Perejmybida

Director of Engineering

Municipality of Meaford

21 Trowbridge Street West

519538-1060 extension 1135 | tperejmybida@meaford.ca 

Project Charter - Climate Change Mitigation and Resiliency 

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