Heritage in Meaford

The Municipality of Meaford designated individual properties as Heritage under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, as well as designating a Heritage Conservation District Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act, for the downtown area of Meaford. 

See the registry of individual designated Heritage Properties (Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act). 

The Heritage Conservation Plan and Guidelines is in place to protect the heritage of Meaford's downtown core, encourage the maintenance and upkeep of the buildings, and help promote new developments that respect the character of the existing buildings.

Heritage Permit Applications

Before you start any work on your property in the Heritage Conservation District or on an individually designated property on the registry, please consult with Planning Staff at the Municipal Office to discuss your project. We can be reached at 519-538-1060 ext. 1127 or by email at planning@meaford.ca   

Note that Heritage Permits are required for several types of minor works, such as signs, repairs and small additions. 

You can also download the Heritage Permit to learn more about the application process.

Heritage Advisory Committee

The Heritage Advisory Committee advises and assists Council on matters relating to Parts IV and V of the Ontario Heritage Act, 1990, and other heritage matters as Council may specify through by-law or in the Official Plan and Downtown Meaford Heritage Conservation District Plan and Guidelines.

See the Agendas and Minutes for the Heritage Advisory Committee.

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