2024 Final Tax Due Dates are August 29, 2024 and October 29, 2024.

Tax rates are established through the municipal and county budget process. To learn more about the budget process, click here

Property Tax Bills

Property Taxes are calculated using a variety of factors: Market Value Assessment, Property Tax Class, Municipal, County, and Education Tax Rates.  

Tax Rates
Tax ClassDescriptionTotal Rate
C0 Commercial/Small Scale on Farm Business 2 0.01947738
C7 Commercial/Small Scale On Farm Business 1 0.01947738
CF Commercial/Payment in Lieu: Full 0.02977738
CG Commercial Payment in Lieu: General 0.01727738
CH Commercial Taxable: Full, Shared Payment in Lieu 0.02911550
CJ Commercial Taxable: Vacant Land, Shared Payment in Lieu 0.02977738
CK Commercial Taxable: Excess Land, Shared Payment in Lieu 0.02911550
CP Commercial Payment in Lieu: Full, Taxable Tenant of Province 0.02911550
CT Commercial Taxable: Full 0.02607738
CU Commercial Taxable: Excess Land 0.02607738
CV Commercial Payment in Lieu: Full, Excess Land 0.02911550 
CX Commercial Taxable: Vacant Land 0.02607738
CY Commercial Payment in Lieu: Full, Vacant Land 0.02911550
CZ Commercial Payment in Lieu: General, Vacant Land 0.02911550
DT Office Building Taxable: Full 0.01661550
E EXEMPT 0.00000000
FP Farm Payment in Lieu: Full, Taxable Tenant of Province 0.00317545
FT Farmlands Taxable: Full 0.00328671
GF Parking Lot Payment in Lieu: Full 0.01661550
GT Parking Lot Taxable: Full 0.01661550
HF Landfill Payment in Lieu: Full 0.01281171
I0 Industrial/Small Scale on Farm Business 2 0.02659269
I1 Industrial Taxable: Farmland Awaiting Development Phase I 0.00320293
I7 Industrial Small Scale On Farm Business 0.02659269
IH Industrial Taxable: Full, Shared Payment in Lieu 0.03689269
IT Industrial Taxable: Full 0.03319269
IU Industrial Taxable: Excess Land 0.03319269
IX Industrial Taxable: Vacant Land 0.03319269
J0 Industrial (New Construction)/Small Scale on Farm Business 2 0.03225824
J7 Industrial (New Construction)/Small Scale On Farm Business 1 0.03225824
JT Industrial (New Construction)/Taxable: Full 0.03225824
JU Industrial (New Construction)/Taxable: Excess Land 0.03225824
KT Large Industrial (New Construction) Taxable: Full 0.02345824
LT Large Industrial Taxable: Full 0.02345824
LU Large Industrial Taxable: Excess Land 0.02345824
MF Multi-Residential Payment in Lieu: Full 0.01858111
MT Multi-Residential Taxable: Full 0.01779091
NT New Multi-Residential Taxable: Full 0.01281171
OT Resort Condominium Taxable: Full 0.01281171
PT Pipeline Taxable: Full 0.02088108
R1 Residential Taxable: Farmland Awaiting Development Phase I 0.00371302
RF Residential Payment in Lieu: Full 0.01485206
RG Residential Payment in Lieu: General 0.01332206
RH Residential Taxable: Full, Shared Payment in Lieu 0.01434171
RP Residential Payment in Lieu: Full, Taxable Tenant of Province 0.01434171
RT Residential Taxable: Full 0.01485206
ST Shopping Centre Taxable: Full 0.02607738
SU Shopping Centre Taxable: Excess Land 0.01661550
TT Managed Forests Taxable: Full 0.00371302
X0 Commercial (New Construction)/Small Scale on Farm Business 2 0.01661550
X7 Commercial (New Construction)/Small Scale On Farm Business 1 0.01661550
XT Commercial (New Construction)/Taxable: Full 0.01661550
XU Commercial (New Construction)/Taxable: Excess Land 0.02541550
YT Office Building (New Construction) Taxable: Full 0.01661550

Shopping Centre (New Construction) Taxable: Full


Shopping Centre (New Construction) Taxable: Excess Land

Interim Tax Bill
The Interim Tax bill is issued in January of each year, including two installments which are due in February and April. The interim installments are calculated by using 50% of the previous year’s annual taxes levied.
Final Tax Bill

The Final Tax Bill is issued in July of each year, including two installments which are due in August and October. The final installments are calculated on current year annual taxes, minus the interim amounts. Please retain your final bill for income tax purposes. 

Supplemental/Omitted Tax Bills

A supplemental or omitted tax bill may be issued to a property if the assessed value or property tax class changes throughout the current year, or previous two years.


Sign up for e-billing and eliminate paper bills being mailed to you!

Click Here to Sign Up for E-Billing

Has Your Mailing Address Changed? 

Help us ensure our records are up to date by filling out the form below. 

Mailing Address Update Form

Payment Information

There are four due dates per year, occurring in February, April, August, and October. Payment must be received in our office on or before these dates. If payment is not received, penalty and interest is calculated at 1.25% on the outstanding balance.

Payment Options
Pre-Authorized Payments

Never miss a payment and avoid late fees by signing up for a Pre-Authorized Payment Plan. You will receive your bill (in the mail or by email) before the due date, then the amount due will be automatically deducted from your bank account. Payments may be made either in 4 installments (due February, April, August, and October) or in 12 monthly payments made on the 20th or 28th of each month. If you choose the monthly plan, you will receive a letter in January and August to adjust the monthly payments required to pay the annual taxes.

Click Here to Set-Up or Change a Pre-Authorized Payment Plan 

In Person

Payment can be made in our office at 21 Trowbridge Street West, Meaford, ON N4L 1A1. Our regular office hours are Monday to Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm.

Acceptable methods of payment are cash, cheque, or debit. Credit Cards are not accepted in the office.

An after-hours drop box is available to the left of the front doors.

At the Bank

Pay at the teller or at the ATM.

Ensure the teller sets up the payment to "Meaford – Taxes" and use the 19 digit roll number as the account number. Do not include dashes.

Each property requires a separate transaction. Payments applied to the incorrect account are subject to a $20.00 administration fee.

Internet/Telephone Banking

Set up "Meaford Taxes" as the payee with your financial institution. Payments applied to the incorrect account are subject to a $20.00 administration fee.

Credit Card

Credit Card payments are only accepted through our Online Bill Payment System or over the phone at 1-877-565-3799.

There is a processing fee of 1.75% for Visa and Mastercard transactions. The maximum payment is $10,000.00.

Use your 19-digit roll number as the account number. Each property requires a separate transaction.

Please allow two business days for processing. You will receive an e-mail confirmation of payment for on-line payments or a confirmation number by phone.

Penalty and Interest

Penalty and Interest is calculated at 1.25% monthly on all outstanding balances and is charged on the first business day of each month. Outstanding Property Tax Statements are mailed out to all outstanding accounts on the first business day of each month.

Tax Incentive & Rebate Programs

There are several tax incentives and rebate programs available to residents. To confirm your property eligibility or for more information contact each individual agency.

Farm Tax Class



Conservation Lane Tax Incentive Program

Ministry of Natural Resources


Managed Forest Tax Incentive Program

Ministry of Natural Resources


Low Income Seniors or Persons with Disabilities Rebate Program

A tax rebate is provided to low income seniors or persons with disabilities for the increase in taxes year over year with maximum relief of $500.00. For more information on the program, click here

Property Tax Increase Relief Form

Applications accepted July through December. You can subscribe to this page for updates by clicking the red 'subscribe' button in the menu to the right.


Tax Certificates

Tax Certificates are available by request with a cost of $75.00 per property. Certificate requests can be emailed to tax@meaford.ca along with a copy of the cheque to be mailed to our office at 21 Trowbridge Street West Meaford, ON N4L 1A1. Make cheque payable to The Municipality of Meaford.

Property Assessment

Assessment Cycle

The Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) is responsible for conducting the property assessment cycle every four years. Due to Covid-19 this process has been delayed. For more information on the next assessment cycle in Ontario, visit www.mpac.ca

Property Assessment Notice

Property Assessment Notices are sent to property owners every four years, once the assessment cycle has been completed, unless there has been a property sale or improvement/ change to the property prior. It is important for property owners to review this document. No further action is required, unless you have questions or concerns with the assessed value or classification.

Request for Consideration

Property owners have 120 days from the issuance of the Property Assessment Notice to file a Request for Reconsideration. This information is provided in the Property Assessment Notice.

Assessment Review Application (Section 357 Form) 

A Section 357 Form is used to reduce your property assessment. The Municipality of Meaford accepts these forms and submits them to MPAC. Download and complete the fillable form below and email it to tax@meaford.ca. You may also drop off or mail the form to our Municipal Office located at 21 Trowbridge Street West, Meaford ON N4L 1A1. 

Section 357 Application Form

School Support

Based on your eligibility, property owners and tenants registered with MPAC can view and update the school support designation online. To learn more about eligibility requirements or change your school support designation, please visit www.mpac.ca/schoolsupport  

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