2023 Municipal Tree Inventory

Beginning July 2023, the Municipality of Meaford is conducting an inventory of municipal trees. This project will be conducted over the next several weeks within the Municipality of Meaford, including the communities of Leith, Annan, Bognor and Woodford as well as all other municipally owned facilities including sports fields, community centers and cemeteries outside of those boundaries.

The Municipality of Meaford has contracted Urban Forest Innovations; a qualified, Canadian, urban forestry consultant to perform this important work to our specifications. The work will involve certified Arborists measuring and assessing the physical and health conditions of municipally owned trees. In conducting this work, the consultants may be required to access the area in front of your home in order to make a complete assessment of municipal owned street trees in front of your house. Be assured that the measurements and assessments conducted will not damage the trees and no damage should occur to your property.

The purpose of the current inventory is to create a digital record of all municipal trees that will be used to manage and maintain our living forest canopy across the Municipality of Meaford for years to come and will also form part of the Municipality's Asset Management program.


If you have any further questions about the tree inventory, contact:

Jessica Wiley

Director of Operations / Drainage Superintendent

Municipality of Meaford

21 Trowbridge Street West, Meaford

519 538-1060 extension 1132




Did You Know?

A permit may be required before you remove or cut down a tree on your property. For more information on tree cutting, please see the Tree Cutting By-law.

If you would like to remove a protected tree, you must complete a Tree Cutting Permit Application and submit it to planning@meaford.ca 

The removal of certain trees is also regulated in the Heritage Conservation District.

Properties under 1 Hectare

If your property is smaller than one hectare, you will need a permit to cut down a tree if:

  • It is a public tree
  • If your property is zoned for Environmental Protection - Grey Sauble Conservation Authority regulations may apply. 
  • If your property is subject to a tree preservation plan

Properties over 1 Hectare

Trees on properties over 1 hectare are subject to the Grey County Forest Management By-Law.


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