Members of Council must make a disclosure of pecuniary interest when considering Council items that may cause financial loss or gain for the Council member or a relative. Conflicts of interest are defined by the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act.

There is time for this set aside at each Council meeting.

DateNameItemNature of Conflict
 March 4, 2019 Councillor Harley Greenfield Item 4.0 a) Closed Session Closed Session - Named as a defendant in lawsuit - later dropped. Young girl who was injured is a relative.
December 10, 2018 Deputy Mayor Shirley Keaveney 8.26 By-Law 2018-90 Husband is a partner in the Golf Course Development.
April 8, 2019 Councillor Tony Bell Item 8. f) FIM2019-20 2019 Purchasing of Goods, Services and Construction Amendments Stated no goods, services or construction shall be purchased by the Municipality from any member of Council who is an officer of such business without express approval by Council.
April 8, 2019 Councillor Harley Greenfield Item 8. f) FIM2019-20 2019 Purchasing of Goods, Services and Construction Amendments
  • Masonry repair work on Municipal Building - repair vs. construction P. 8
  • Lack of WSIB or alternative P. 23
  • Conflict of interest P. 27
April 29, 2019 Councillor Tony Bell Item 8.2 a) By-law 2019-40 Purchasing of Goods, Services and Construction Policy

No goods, services or construction shall be purchased by the Municipality from members of Council who is an officer of such business without express approval by Council (I own Bluewater Machine).

April 29, 2019 Councillor Harley Greenfield Item 8.2 a) By-law 2019-40 Purchasing of Goods, Services and Construction Policy

As a tradesman I frequently do construction work for the Municipality.

June 3, 2019 Deputy Mayor Keaveney Item 4.0 a) Community Bursary Presentations (Goldenaires)

Deputy Mayor Keaveney is the treasurer of the Goldenaires.

June 4, 2019 Councillor Kentner Item 4.0 a) Community Bursary Presentations (Meaford United Church)

Councillor Kentner is a member of the board of the Meaford United Church.

December 2, 2019 Deputy Mayor Keaveney Item 11 f) Letter - Chamber of Commerce Request, Meaford Tourism Apple

Councillor Kentner is a member of the Chamber of Commerce.

December 2, 2019 Councillor Kentner Item 11 f) Letter - Chamber of Commerce Request, Meaford Tourism Apple Councillor Kentner is a member of the Chamber of Commerce.
December 16, 2019 Deputy Mayor Keaveney Item 7 e) DEV2019-13 Gordon Crescent Assumption A family interest in this development 
December 16, 2019 Deputy Mayor Keaveney Item 12 a) ZBLA File Z06-19 78 Victoria Street A family interest in the Victoria Street request
January 13, 2020 Deputy Mayor Keaveney Item 7.2 b) Zoning Amendment Z06-19 – 78 Victoria St. (Clancy)  

A family interest in the Victoria Street request 

May 25, 2020 Councillor Bartley Item 8 d) DEV2020-21 Consent Agreement - 063518 Sunny Valley Road A potential financial impact on his property value.
June 8, 2020 Councillor Bartley Item 8 d) DEV2020-21 Consent Agreement - 063518 Sunny Valley Road A potential financial impact on his property value.
June 8, 2020 Deputy Mayor Keaveney Item 9 d) DEV2020-26 22nd Sideroad Extension Agreement  A perceived conflict with her husband's involvement in the real estate deal. 
June 22, 2020 Deputy Mayor Keaveney Item 7.1 c) By-law 2020-38 22nd Sideroad Extension Agreement A perceived conflict with her husband's involvement in the real estate deal. 

November 30, 2020


Councillor Kentner Item 8 e) CAO2020-24 CIP Grants & Loans Councillor Kenter is a member of the United Church board.
 January 11, 2021  Deputy Mayor Keaveney  Item 7.2 e) DEV2021-01 By-law 2021-06 ZBLA Phase 2 Meaford Golf Course

Declared a conflict for a period of 1 year due to late husband's job as a real estate agent involved in the project.


February 1, 2021

Deputy Mayor Keaveney Item 8 c) DEV2021-06 Site Plan Approval & Holding Removal - Cook Street Town Homes

A perceived conflict due to her businesses proximity to the proposed construction site.

March 8, 2021

Deputy Mayor Keaveney Item 7.1 e) 2021-20 Site Plan Agreement - Cook Street Town Homes and f) 2021-21 Holding Removal - Cook Street Town Homes

A perceived conflict due to her business proximity to the proposed construction site. 

March 8, 2021

Councillor Vickers Item 4 a) Grey County Federation of Agriculture Update

A perceived conflict due to his position as Zone 2 on the Ontario Federation of Agriculture.

March 15, 2021

Deputy Mayor Keaveney Item 4 a) Plan of Condominium - Joint Meeting with Grey County

A perceived conflict due to her late husband's business dealings with the developer. 

March 22, 2021

Deputy Mayor Keaveney Item 8 g) DEV2021-16 22nd Sideroad Purchase Request

A perceived conflict due to her late husband having acted as the real estate agent for the sale of land to the applicant. 

April 12, 2021

Deputy Mayor Keaveney Item 7.1 e) DEV2021-16 22nd Sideroad Purchase Request - Diedre Devins & Manuel Dias

A perceived conflict due to her late husband having acted as the real estate agent for the sale of land to the applicant.

April 12, 2021 Deputy Mayor Keaveney Item 7.2 b) DEV2021-22 - Meaford Golf Course Draft Plan of Condominium (42CDM-2020-07) Declared a conflict for a period of 1 year due to late husband's job as a real estate agent involved in the project.
May 18, 2021 Deputy Mayor Keaveney Item 5.1 a) Z04-2021 Zoning By-law Amendment and Proposed Exchange/Sale of Lands - 226 Boucher Street Declared a conflict of interest due to an ownership interest in a portion of the parcel of land under consideration.
June 28, 2021 Deputy Mayor Keaveney Item 8. c) DEV2021-33 - 22nd Sideroad Property Acquisition  Declared a conflict of interest due to her late husband having acted as a real estate agent in the sale of the land to the applicant.
July 26, 2021 Councillor Greenfield Item 7.2 d) COR2021-44 - Temporary Facility Use Agreement at Bognor Hall  Declared a conflict of interest due to his wife being a local employee of Canada Post.
September 13, 2021 Deputy Mayor Keaveney Item 8 d) DEV2021-36 Meaford Golf Course Phase 2 Development Agreement Declared a conflict of interest due to her late husband acting as a real estate agent for the proponent.
September 27, 2021 Deputy Mayor Keaveney Item 7.1 c) By-law 2021-68 - Meaford Golf Course Phase 2 Development Agreement Declared a conflict of interest due to her late husband acting as a real estate agent for the proponent. 
October 18, 2021 Deputy Mayor Keaveney Item 12 - Closed Session, CAO Performance Review Declared a conflict of interest in regards to the portion of the discussion relating to Third Line Homes. 
October 25, 2021 Councillor Bell Item 4 a) Zoning By-law Amendment (Z12-2021) Declared a conflict of interest as this home machine shop would be directly one sideroad back of his machine shop on Highway 26. 
November 9, 2021 Deputy Mayor Keaveney Item 5 a) Revised Zoning By-law Amendment (Z04-21) and Plan of Condominium (County File 42CDM-2021-02) Declared a conflict of interest due a part owner of a piece of property adjacent to the site of the development Skydev has made an offer to purchase. 
November 29, 2021 Councillor Bell Item 8.2 a) Zoning Amendment Z12-21 (245350 22nd Sideroad)  Declared a conflict of interest as owner of a machine shop in a nearby location. 
November 29, 2021 Deputy Mayor Keaveney 11 b) Minutes from the Planning Public Meeting - November 9, 2021 Declared a conflict of interest as a part owner of the adjacent property to the Knight's land which SkyDev also has offered to purchase. 
February 16, 2022 Deputy Mayor Keaveney Item 7 Council Inquiries Declared a conflict of interest due to being involved in a property issue on land adjacent to the Stanley Knight parcel that is now owned by Skydev. 
April 25, 2022 Councillor Greenfield Item 9 c) Bognor Post Office Agreement Declared a conflict of interest relating to Item 9(c) due to a perceived conflict with his wife working part time for Canada Post. 
May 9, 2022 Councillor Greenfield Item 8.1 c) Bognor Post Office Agreement Declared a conflict of interest relating to Item 8.1 (c) due to a perceived conflict with his wife working part time for Canada Post. 
June 13, 2022 Deputy Mayor Keaveney Item 9a) Renaming Rotary Pavilion Declared a conflict of interest due to being a proud Rotarian and her late husband having assisted with the construction of the "Russ Bumstead Rotary Pavilion"
November 7, 2022 Deputy Mayor Keaveney Item 8.2 g)DEV2022-20, h)By-law 2022-76, and i) By-law 2022-77 (Meaford Haven) Declared a conflict of interest due to a perceived conflict because her property abuts Meaford Haven.
November 7, 2022 Councillor Paul Vickers Item 5 a) Official Plan Amendment 33 & Zoning By-law Amendment Z08-22 Declared a conflict of interest due to business dealings with the applicant.
January 16, 2023 Councillor Brandon Forder Item 6 a) Georgian Triangle Humane Society - Regional Centre for Pets and People Declared a conflict of interest due to his company, Canadian Pet Connection, often working in partnership with GTHS.
March 13, 2023 Deputy Mayor Keaveney Closed Session (2022 Legal Update) - Gordon Crescent Declared a conflict of interest due to a financial connection to this project.
April 17, 2023 Councillor Brandon Forder Item 6b) Deputations on Agenda Items and Item 9a) COM2023-14 Request for Purchase - Part Sideroad 22 Declared a conflict of interest due to his person residence within 200m of the subject lands.
May 1, 2023 Councillor Rob Uhrig Item 10.2a) Motions for Decision - Transfer of Funds and Assets to Christmas on the Bay Not-For-Profit Organization Declared a conflict of interest due to being a member of the Christmas on the Bay Steering Committee.
May 8, 2023 Councillor Rob Uhrig Item 5c) Community Well-being Bursary Program- Christmas on the Bay Declared a conflict of interest due to being a member of the Christmas on the Bay Steering Committee.
May 9, 2023 Councillor Bartley Item 6 Motions for Decision - Community Well-being Bursary Program Declared a conflict of interest due to being a member of the Bognor Hall Board.
May 9, 2023 Councillor Forder Item 6 Motions for Decision - Community Well-being Bursary Program Declared a conflict of interest due to his spouse being the Community Outreach Director for the Meaford Culture Foundation.
May 9, 2023 Deputy Mayor Keaveney Item 6 Motions for Decision - Community Well-being Bursary Program Declared a conflict of interest due to being a member of the Rotary Club of Meaford and of the Goldenaires' ladies choir.
May 9, 2023 Councillor Uhrig Item 6 Motions for Decision - Community Well-being Bursary Program Declared a conflict of interest due to being the Corporate Secretary for the Meaford Culture Foundation, and for being on the Christmas on the Bay Steering Committee.
Nov 6, 2023 Deputy Mayor Keaveney Item 5b) Zoning By-law amendment (Z10-2023) 206080 Hwy 26 Declared a conflict of interest on the basis that her home abuts the subject property.
Nov 6, 2023 Councillor Uhrig Item 5b) Zoning By-law amendment (Z10-2023) 206080 Hwy 26 Declared a conflict of interest due to his residence being located immediately south of the subject property.
Nov 27, 2023 Councillor Uhrig Item 8.2.a) DEV2023-26 & By-law 2023-72 - Zoning By-law Amendment (206080 Highway 26) Declared a conflict of interest due to his residence being located immediately south of the subject property.
Nov 27, 2023 Deputy Mayor Keaveney Item 8.2.a) DEV2023-26 & By-law 2023-72 - Zoning By-law Amendment (206080 Highway 26) Declared a conflict of interest due to her residence being located immediately south of the subject property.
Nov 27, 2023 Deputy Mayor Keaveney Item 9.b) COM2023-31 - Meaford Fire Department Establishing & Regulating By-law Declared a conflict of interest due to being a friend of the training officer for the Meaford Fire Department.
Dec 11, 2023 Councillor Bell Item 8.2d) DEV2023-26 & By-law 2023-72 - Zoning By-law Amendment (206080 Highway 26) Declared a conflict of interest due to owning a metal/machining business and may make or lose customer base.
Dec 11, 2023 Deputy Mayor Keaveney Item 8.1(b) Meaford Fire Department Establishing & Regulating By-law Declared a conflict of interest due to being a friend of the training officer for the Meaford Fire Department.
Jan 15, 2024 Deputy Mayor Keaveney Item 9.2a) By-law 2024-01 - Deputy Fire Chief Appointment Declared a conflict of interest due to being a friend of the training officer for the Meaford Fire Department.
Jan 15, 2024 Deputy Mayor Keaveney Presentation from Institute of Southern Georgian Bay Declared a conflict of interest due to being a member of a taskforce of this group.
Jan 26, 2024 Deputy Mayor Keaveney Item 5.a) 2024 Draft Operating Budget Presentation Declared a conflict of interest due to being a member of the Southern Georgian Bay Institute further to their request for funding.
Feb 12, 2024 Deputy Mayor Keaveney Closed session item b) Declared a conflict due to having an interest in this project.
Apr 15, 2024 Councillor Forder Closed session - item 13a) Declared a conflict for

Strengthening Our Community Advisory
Committee selection due to his wife was an applicant for that committee.

September 18, 2024 Deputy Mayor Keaveney Item 9.a) COM2024-12 - Godfrey Apartments Declared a conflict of interest due to being a member of the Rotary Club and the Godfrey Apartment Committee.
September, 23, 2024 Councillor Forder Item 6.a) Greg Ayrheart - Speed Limits Declared a conflict due to living on the street in question.
September, 23, 2024 Councillor Uhrig Item 6.a) Dan White, Chair, Meaford Culture Foundation -  Meaford Culture Foundation request for contract renewal at Meaford Hall Declared a conflict due to being on the Meaford Cultural Foundation Board of Directors.
October 7, 2024 Deputy Mayor Keaveney Item 8.2b) DEV2024-26 & By-law 2024-49 Declared a conflict due to living near the subject lands.
October 7, 2024 Councillor Uhrig Item 8.2b) DEV2024-26 & By-law 2024-49 Declared a conflict due to living near the subject lands.
November 4, 2024 Councillor Uhrig Item 4a) 2025 Fees and Charges Declared a conflict due to being on the Board of Directors for the Meaford Culture Foundation.
November 4, 2024 Deputy Mayor Keaveney Item 4a) 2025 Fees and Charges Declared a conflict due to being a Rotary Club member.
November 25, 2024 Councillor Forder Item 6a) Presentations - Georgian Triangle Humane Society Declared a conflict due to his personal pet retail business has an ongoing relationship with GTHS.
December 2, 2024 Mayor Kentner Item 5a) Closed Session Declared a conflict on it becoming clear that a pecuniary interest in a portion of the matter was had, and left the meeting during which the interest was discussed.
December 5, 2024 Mayor Kentner Item 5a) Closed Session Declared a conflict on it becoming clear that a pecuniary interest in a portion of the matter was had, and left the meeting during which the interest was discussed.
January 15, 2025 Shirley Keaveney Item 5.a) Closed Session Declared a conflict on it becoming clear that a pecuniary interest in a portion of the matter was had, and left the meeting during which the interest was discussed.

Make a Complaint

If you would like to make a complaint about a Conflict of Interest issue, please contact the Municipality’s Integrity Commissioner.

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