Members of Council must make a disclosure of pecuniary interest when considering Council items that may cause financial loss or gain for the Council member or a relative. Conflicts of interest are defined by the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act.
There is time for this set aside at each Council meeting.
Date | Name | Item | Nature of Conflict |
March 4, 2019 | Councillor Harley Greenfield | Item 4.0 a) Closed Session | Closed Session - Named as a defendant in lawsuit - later dropped. Young girl who was injured is a relative. |
December 10, 2018 | Deputy Mayor Shirley Keaveney | 8.26 By-Law 2018-90 | Husband is a partner in the Golf Course Development. |
April 8, 2019 | Councillor Tony Bell | Item 8. f) FIM2019-20 2019 Purchasing of Goods, Services and Construction Amendments | Stated no goods, services or construction shall be purchased by the Municipality from any member of Council who is an officer of such business without express approval by Council. |
April 8, 2019 | Councillor Harley Greenfield | Item 8. f) FIM2019-20 2019 Purchasing of Goods, Services and Construction Amendments |
April 29, 2019 | Councillor Tony Bell | Item 8.2 a) By-law 2019-40 Purchasing of Goods, Services and Construction Policy |
No goods, services or construction shall be purchased by the Municipality from members of Council who is an officer of such business without express approval by Council (I own Bluewater Machine). |
April 29, 2019 | Councillor Harley Greenfield | Item 8.2 a) By-law 2019-40 Purchasing of Goods, Services and Construction Policy |
As a tradesman I frequently do construction work for the Municipality. |
June 3, 2019 | Deputy Mayor Keaveney | Item 4.0 a) Community Bursary Presentations (Goldenaires) |
Deputy Mayor Keaveney is the treasurer of the Goldenaires. |
June 4, 2019 | Councillor Kentner | Item 4.0 a) Community Bursary Presentations (Meaford United Church) |
Councillor Kentner is a member of the board of the Meaford United Church. |
December 2, 2019 | Deputy Mayor Keaveney | Item 11 f) Letter - Chamber of Commerce Request, Meaford Tourism Apple |
Councillor Kentner is a member of the Chamber of Commerce. |
December 2, 2019 | Councillor Kentner | Item 11 f) Letter - Chamber of Commerce Request, Meaford Tourism Apple | Councillor Kentner is a member of the Chamber of Commerce. |
December 16, 2019 | Deputy Mayor Keaveney | Item 7 e) DEV2019-13 Gordon Crescent Assumption | A family interest in this development |
December 16, 2019 | Deputy Mayor Keaveney | Item 12 a) ZBLA File Z06-19 78 Victoria Street | A family interest in the Victoria Street request |
January 13, 2020 | Deputy Mayor Keaveney | Item 7.2 b) Zoning Amendment Z06-19 – 78 Victoria St. (Clancy) |
A family interest in the Victoria Street request |
May 25, 2020 | Councillor Bartley | Item 8 d) DEV2020-21 Consent Agreement - 063518 Sunny Valley Road | A potential financial impact on his property value. |
June 8, 2020 | Councillor Bartley | Item 8 d) DEV2020-21 Consent Agreement - 063518 Sunny Valley Road | A potential financial impact on his property value. |
June 8, 2020 | Deputy Mayor Keaveney | Item 9 d) DEV2020-26 22nd Sideroad Extension Agreement | A perceived conflict with her husband's involvement in the real estate deal. |
June 22, 2020 | Deputy Mayor Keaveney | Item 7.1 c) By-law 2020-38 22nd Sideroad Extension Agreement | A perceived conflict with her husband's involvement in the real estate deal. |
November 30, 2020
Councillor Kentner | Item 8 e) CAO2020-24 CIP Grants & Loans | Councillor Kenter is a member of the United Church board. |
January 11, 2021 | Deputy Mayor Keaveney | Item 7.2 e) DEV2021-01 By-law 2021-06 ZBLA Phase 2 Meaford Golf Course |
Declared a conflict for a period of 1 year due to late husband's job as a real estate agent involved in the project.
February 1, 2021 |
Deputy Mayor Keaveney | Item 8 c) DEV2021-06 Site Plan Approval & Holding Removal - Cook Street Town Homes |
A perceived conflict due to her businesses proximity to the proposed construction site. |
March 8, 2021 |
Deputy Mayor Keaveney | Item 7.1 e) 2021-20 Site Plan Agreement - Cook Street Town Homes and f) 2021-21 Holding Removal - Cook Street Town Homes |
A perceived conflict due to her business proximity to the proposed construction site. |
March 8, 2021 |
Councillor Vickers | Item 4 a) Grey County Federation of Agriculture Update |
A perceived conflict due to his position as Zone 2 on the Ontario Federation of Agriculture. |
March 15, 2021 |
Deputy Mayor Keaveney | Item 4 a) Plan of Condominium - Joint Meeting with Grey County |
A perceived conflict due to her late husband's business dealings with the developer. |
March 22, 2021 |
Deputy Mayor Keaveney | Item 8 g) DEV2021-16 22nd Sideroad Purchase Request |
A perceived conflict due to her late husband having acted as the real estate agent for the sale of land to the applicant. |
April 12, 2021 |
Deputy Mayor Keaveney | Item 7.1 e) DEV2021-16 22nd Sideroad Purchase Request - Diedre Devins & Manuel Dias |
A perceived conflict due to her late husband having acted as the real estate agent for the sale of land to the applicant. |
April 12, 2021 | Deputy Mayor Keaveney | Item 7.2 b) DEV2021-22 - Meaford Golf Course Draft Plan of Condominium (42CDM-2020-07) | Declared a conflict for a period of 1 year due to late husband's job as a real estate agent involved in the project. |
May 18, 2021 | Deputy Mayor Keaveney | Item 5.1 a) Z04-2021 Zoning By-law Amendment and Proposed Exchange/Sale of Lands - 226 Boucher Street | Declared a conflict of interest due to an ownership interest in a portion of the parcel of land under consideration. |
June 28, 2021 | Deputy Mayor Keaveney | Item 8. c) DEV2021-33 - 22nd Sideroad Property Acquisition | Declared a conflict of interest due to her late husband having acted as a real estate agent in the sale of the land to the applicant. |
July 26, 2021 | Councillor Greenfield | Item 7.2 d) COR2021-44 - Temporary Facility Use Agreement at Bognor Hall | Declared a conflict of interest due to his wife being a local employee of Canada Post. |
September 13, 2021 | Deputy Mayor Keaveney | Item 8 d) DEV2021-36 Meaford Golf Course Phase 2 Development Agreement | Declared a conflict of interest due to her late husband acting as a real estate agent for the proponent. |
September 27, 2021 | Deputy Mayor Keaveney | Item 7.1 c) By-law 2021-68 - Meaford Golf Course Phase 2 Development Agreement | Declared a conflict of interest due to her late husband acting as a real estate agent for the proponent. |
October 18, 2021 | Deputy Mayor Keaveney | Item 12 - Closed Session, CAO Performance Review | Declared a conflict of interest in regards to the portion of the discussion relating to Third Line Homes. |
October 25, 2021 | Councillor Bell | Item 4 a) Zoning By-law Amendment (Z12-2021) | Declared a conflict of interest as this home machine shop would be directly one sideroad back of his machine shop on Highway 26. |
November 9, 2021 | Deputy Mayor Keaveney | Item 5 a) Revised Zoning By-law Amendment (Z04-21) and Plan of Condominium (County File 42CDM-2021-02) | Declared a conflict of interest due a part owner of a piece of property adjacent to the site of the development Skydev has made an offer to purchase. |
November 29, 2021 | Councillor Bell | Item 8.2 a) Zoning Amendment Z12-21 (245350 22nd Sideroad) | Declared a conflict of interest as owner of a machine shop in a nearby location. |
November 29, 2021 | Deputy Mayor Keaveney | 11 b) Minutes from the Planning Public Meeting - November 9, 2021 | Declared a conflict of interest as a part owner of the adjacent property to the Knight's land which SkyDev also has offered to purchase. |
February 16, 2022 | Deputy Mayor Keaveney | Item 7 Council Inquiries | Declared a conflict of interest due to being involved in a property issue on land adjacent to the Stanley Knight parcel that is now owned by Skydev. |
April 25, 2022 | Councillor Greenfield | Item 9 c) Bognor Post Office Agreement | Declared a conflict of interest relating to Item 9(c) due to a perceived conflict with his wife working part time for Canada Post. |
May 9, 2022 | Councillor Greenfield | Item 8.1 c) Bognor Post Office Agreement | Declared a conflict of interest relating to Item 8.1 (c) due to a perceived conflict with his wife working part time for Canada Post. |
June 13, 2022 | Deputy Mayor Keaveney | Item 9a) Renaming Rotary Pavilion | Declared a conflict of interest due to being a proud Rotarian and her late husband having assisted with the construction of the "Russ Bumstead Rotary Pavilion" |
November 7, 2022 | Deputy Mayor Keaveney | Item 8.2 g)DEV2022-20, h)By-law 2022-76, and i) By-law 2022-77 (Meaford Haven) | Declared a conflict of interest due to a perceived conflict because her property abuts Meaford Haven. |
November 7, 2022 | Councillor Paul Vickers | Item 5 a) Official Plan Amendment 33 & Zoning By-law Amendment Z08-22 | Declared a conflict of interest due to business dealings with the applicant. |
January 16, 2023 | Councillor Brandon Forder | Item 6 a) Georgian Triangle Humane Society - Regional Centre for Pets and People | Declared a conflict of interest due to his company, Canadian Pet Connection, often working in partnership with GTHS. |
March 13, 2023 | Deputy Mayor Keaveney | Closed Session (2022 Legal Update) - Gordon Crescent | Declared a conflict of interest due to a financial connection to this project. |
April 17, 2023 | Councillor Brandon Forder | Item 6b) Deputations on Agenda Items and Item 9a) COM2023-14 Request for Purchase - Part Sideroad 22 | Declared a conflict of interest due to his person residence within 200m of the subject lands. |
May 1, 2023 | Councillor Rob Uhrig | Item 10.2a) Motions for Decision - Transfer of Funds and Assets to Christmas on the Bay Not-For-Profit Organization | Declared a conflict of interest due to being a member of the Christmas on the Bay Steering Committee. |
May 8, 2023 | Councillor Rob Uhrig | Item 5c) Community Well-being Bursary Program- Christmas on the Bay | Declared a conflict of interest due to being a member of the Christmas on the Bay Steering Committee. |
May 9, 2023 | Councillor Bartley | Item 6 Motions for Decision - Community Well-being Bursary Program | Declared a conflict of interest due to being a member of the Bognor Hall Board. |
May 9, 2023 | Councillor Forder | Item 6 Motions for Decision - Community Well-being Bursary Program | Declared a conflict of interest due to his spouse being the Community Outreach Director for the Meaford Culture Foundation. |
May 9, 2023 | Deputy Mayor Keaveney | Item 6 Motions for Decision - Community Well-being Bursary Program | Declared a conflict of interest due to being a member of the Rotary Club of Meaford and of the Goldenaires' ladies choir. |
May 9, 2023 | Councillor Uhrig | Item 6 Motions for Decision - Community Well-being Bursary Program | Declared a conflict of interest due to being the Corporate Secretary for the Meaford Culture Foundation, and for being on the Christmas on the Bay Steering Committee. |
Nov 6, 2023 | Deputy Mayor Keaveney | Item 5b) Zoning By-law amendment (Z10-2023) 206080 Hwy 26 | Declared a conflict of interest on the basis that her home abuts the subject property. |
Nov 6, 2023 | Councillor Uhrig | Item 5b) Zoning By-law amendment (Z10-2023) 206080 Hwy 26 | Declared a conflict of interest due to his residence being located immediately south of the subject property. |
Nov 27, 2023 | Councillor Uhrig | Item 8.2.a) DEV2023-26 & By-law 2023-72 - Zoning By-law Amendment (206080 Highway 26) | Declared a conflict of interest due to his residence being located immediately south of the subject property. |
Nov 27, 2023 | Deputy Mayor Keaveney | Item 8.2.a) DEV2023-26 & By-law 2023-72 - Zoning By-law Amendment (206080 Highway 26) | Declared a conflict of interest due to her residence being located immediately south of the subject property. |
Nov 27, 2023 | Deputy Mayor Keaveney | Item 9.b) COM2023-31 - Meaford Fire Department Establishing & Regulating By-law | Declared a conflict of interest due to being a friend of the training officer for the Meaford Fire Department. |
Dec 11, 2023 | Councillor Bell | Item 8.2d) DEV2023-26 & By-law 2023-72 - Zoning By-law Amendment (206080 Highway 26) | Declared a conflict of interest due to owning a metal/machining business and may make or lose customer base. |
Dec 11, 2023 | Deputy Mayor Keaveney | Item 8.1(b) Meaford Fire Department Establishing & Regulating By-law | Declared a conflict of interest due to being a friend of the training officer for the Meaford Fire Department. |
Jan 15, 2024 | Deputy Mayor Keaveney | Item 9.2a) By-law 2024-01 - Deputy Fire Chief Appointment | Declared a conflict of interest due to being a friend of the training officer for the Meaford Fire Department. |
Jan 15, 2024 | Deputy Mayor Keaveney | Presentation from Institute of Southern Georgian Bay | Declared a conflict of interest due to being a member of a taskforce of this group. |
Jan 26, 2024 | Deputy Mayor Keaveney | Item 5.a) 2024 Draft Operating Budget Presentation | Declared a conflict of interest due to being a member of the Southern Georgian Bay Institute further to their request for funding. |
Feb 12, 2024 | Deputy Mayor Keaveney | Closed session item b) | Declared a conflict due to having an interest in this project. |
Apr 15, 2024 | Councillor Forder | Closed session - item 13a) | Declared a conflict for
Strengthening Our Community Advisory |
September 18, 2024 | Deputy Mayor Keaveney | Item 9.a) COM2024-12 - Godfrey Apartments | Declared a conflict of interest due to being a member of the Rotary Club and the Godfrey Apartment Committee. |
September, 23, 2024 | Councillor Forder | Item 6.a) Greg Ayrheart - Speed Limits | Declared a conflict due to living on the street in question. |
September, 23, 2024 | Councillor Uhrig | Item 6.a) Dan White, Chair, Meaford Culture Foundation - Meaford Culture Foundation request for contract renewal at Meaford Hall | Declared a conflict due to being on the Meaford Cultural Foundation Board of Directors. |
October 7, 2024 | Deputy Mayor Keaveney | Item 8.2b) DEV2024-26 & By-law 2024-49 | Declared a conflict due to living near the subject lands. |
October 7, 2024 | Councillor Uhrig | Item 8.2b) DEV2024-26 & By-law 2024-49 | Declared a conflict due to living near the subject lands. |
November 4, 2024 | Councillor Uhrig | Item 4a) 2025 Fees and Charges | Declared a conflict due to being on the Board of Directors for the Meaford Culture Foundation. |
November 4, 2024 | Deputy Mayor Keaveney | Item 4a) 2025 Fees and Charges | Declared a conflict due to being a Rotary Club member. |
November 25, 2024 | Councillor Forder | Item 6a) Presentations - Georgian Triangle Humane Society | Declared a conflict due to his personal pet retail business has an ongoing relationship with GTHS. |
December 2, 2024 | Mayor Kentner | Item 5a) Closed Session | Declared a conflict on it becoming clear that a pecuniary interest in a portion of the matter was had, and left the meeting during which the interest was discussed. |
December 5, 2024 | Mayor Kentner | Item 5a) Closed Session | Declared a conflict on it becoming clear that a pecuniary interest in a portion of the matter was had, and left the meeting during which the interest was discussed. |
January 15, 2025 | Shirley Keaveney | Item 5.a) Closed Session | Declared a conflict on it becoming clear that a pecuniary interest in a portion of the matter was had, and left the meeting during which the interest was discussed. |
Make a Complaint
If you would like to make a complaint about a Conflict of Interest issue, please contact the Municipality’s Integrity Commissioner.
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