Members of the public are encouraged to provide Council with their comments and questions. You have three options to speak at a Council meeting, and each option is outlined per the Municipality's Procedural By-law.
1. Presentation - 10 Minutes
Section 28.1 of the Procedural By-law outlines the requirements for a Presentation to Council. A person or group wishing to make a Presentation to Council shall provide the Clerk or designate with written notice no later than 14 days prior to the meeting. Powerpoint materials are allowed, but must be provided to the Clerk or designate no later than 7 days prior to the Council meeting. Presentations are limited to 10 minutes.
2. Deputation on an Agenda Item - 5 Minutes
Section 28.2 of the Procedural By-law outlines the requirements for a deputation on an agenda item. A deputation is limited to 5 minutes in length, and must relate to an item on the Council agenda (this includes a by-law or staff report). A person wishing to give a deputation may register with the Clerk or designate by 10:00 a.m. on the date of the Council meeting. Deputations may not be accompanied by presentation materials.
3. Public Question - 2 Minutes
Section 28.3 of the Procedural By-law outlines the requirements for a Public Question. A public question is limited to 2 minutes in length. Members of the public wishing to ask a public question shall register in advance by contacting the Clerk or designate by 10:00 a.m. on the date of the Council meeting. During registration, the general nature of the matter of the question shall be provided. Public Questions may not be accompanied by presentation materials.
How to Register:
If you wish to make a presentation, deputation on an agenda item, or ask a public question you may do so in person, or remotely via phone or internet. Members of the public must register with Legislative Services in advance of the meeting when they wish to speak by contacting or 519-538-1060 ext. 1110. Please note that you will need to provide further details as requested by the Clerk or designate before your registration is confirmed.
You can watch meetings live via the Municipality of Meaford's YouTube channel at
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