Strengthening Our Community:
Re-establish Market Square
The creation of a master development plan and implementation strategy to re-establish the Meaford Market Square as a community-focused mixed-use open space on the site of the parking lot and former “Midas Mart” building adjacent to Meaford Hall.
Through public and stakeholder consultation, the project will consider what uses of the Market Square will provide the greatest positive impact for the community as a whole and downtown in particular. The design could include event space, open air dining, continued parking access, and/or green space. The project will also establish an implementation plan, including a funding strategy designed to limit the cost to local residents.
Project Scope |
This project will include:
- Development of a master plan for re-establishing the Meaford Market Square as a four-season multi-use civic space that is efficient and cost-effective to maintain for the Municipality and can be executed within this term of Council.
- Creation of a concept design for replacing the former “Midas Mart” building with a traditional mixed-use building that is of appropriate mass, scale, design character. This includes development of options to make the construction cost neutral to ratepayers through the establishment of an appropriately scaled development site.
- Providing Council and the community with an understanding of the characteristics and opportunities for reestablishment of the Market Square through an analysis and outline of current build form relationships and opportunities within the site and contiguous right-of-ways.
- Implementation of a citizen and stakeholder engagement process that seeks insights from various perspectives and interests and informs the community and stakeholders on the process of site analysis as design development so that their insights can be integrated into the master plan.
Process/Schedule |
Forecasted tasks throughout this project include:
- An Analysis phase (and reporting) of the characteristics of the Market Square area.
- Developing and executing communications and public and stakeholder engagement strategy.
- Creation of master development plan and design scenario(s).
- Preparation of final master plan document(s).
- Preparation and scheduling of final report to Council for adoption of Master Development Plan, and presentation to Council at regularly scheduled meeting.
Project Updates |
There are no current project updates. Please check back to this page. |
Contact |
Rob Voigt
Director, Development Services
Municipality of Meaford
21 Trowbridge Street West
519-538-1060 extension 1145 |
Resources |
Project Charter - Re-establish Market Square |