Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion

The Municipality has identified capacity issues at the existing Wastewater Treatment Plant.  The Class Environmental Assessment (EA) is now final. The Municipality is proceeding with the design of the Wastewater Treatment Plant expansion. The design will also include equipment to assist with the significant peak flows experienced at the Wastewater Treatment Plant caused by the significant rainwater and groundwater entering the collection system.
Click Here to View the PIC Materials

Project Description
The Meaford Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) was originally constructed in 1969 and has since undergone a number of upgrades and modifications, with the most recent work being completed to retrofit the clarifier (used to remove solid particulates or suspended solids from liquid) in 2020.

A Class Environmental Assessment (EA) was completed in 2007 to address the long-term wastewater treatment requirements based on planned future growth. The EA recommended expansion of the existing WWTP, optimizing the existing processes, reducing inflow and infiltration, and improving water conservation.  

The 2007 Class EA has since expired and the Municipality of Meaford determined the need to prepare a Class EA Addendum in 2021. The intent of the Addendum was to confirm or amend the preferred solution(s) identified in the original EA by addressing advances in technology, adjustments to phasing due to new population/flow projections, and to share this information with a list of stakeholders and interested parties that has expanded since 2007. 

The Municipality of Meaford retained Ainley Group to complete and document the Class EA Addendum in accordance with the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Document. The Meaford WWTP is located on a 3.9 Hectare parcel of land at 35 Grant Avenue, Meaford. 

     Wastewater Treatment Plant Office     Map of WWTP Expansion Study Area for the 2021 Class Environmental Assessment Addendum     Watertreatment Plant
Following completion and approval of the Class EA Addendum, the Municipality will proceed with the design of the WWTP Expansion. The design will also include equipment to assist with the significant peak flows experienced at the WWTP caused by significant rainwater and groundwater entering the collection system. 

This project is required in order to complete future development within urban Meaford. The existing WWTP runs between 70% and 80% capacity in recent years and does not have the required capacity to accommodate future proposed development. 
Project Timeline
Class Environmental Assessment: 2007
Class Environmental Assessment Addendum: 2021 - early 2024
Public Information Centre: Thursday, October 12, 2023 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. (Terrace Room, Meaford Hall) 
Design Phase: 2024 - 2025
Anticipated Construction Start: 2026
Anticipated Construction Completion: 2028
The project budget for the Class EA Study is $212,662. 
The remaining project budget for design and construction will be determined based on the preferred solution from the Class EA. 

Emily Howard
Manager, Environmental Services
Municipality of Meaford
21 Trowbridge Street West
519-538-1060 extension 1500 | ehoward@meaford.ca 

Simon Glass, P.Eng.
Project Manager
Ainley Group
6299 Airport Rd., Mississauga
905-452-5172 extension 220 | simon.glass@ainleygroup.com

Public Information Centre
When: Thursday, October 12, 2023 from 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Where: Terrace Room, Meaford Hall (12 Nelson Street East, Meaford) 
Click here to view the PIC Materials
Click here to view the PIC Notice

Project Charter - Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion

Notice of Study Commencement - 2021 EA Addendum

Notice of Study Completion - EA

Environmental Study Report 

Environmental Study Report  - Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion FINAL

Appendix A - 2015 Meaford Water and Wastewater Servicing Master Plan 

Appendix B - Meaford Wastewater Treatment Plant Condition Assessment

Appendix C - Meaford Wastewater Treatment Plant Capacity Assessment

Appendix D - Meaford Wastewater Treatment Plant Existing and Future Wastewater Flows

Appendix E - Record of Correspondence with MECP

Appendix F - Archaeological Assessments and Cultural Heritage Resource Assessment 

Appendix G - Meaford Wastewater Treatment Technology Alternatives 

Appendix H - Class EA Consultation Materials and Correspondences 

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