Information for Candidates
Anyone running as a candidate in the 2022 Municipal and School Board election filed a nomination paper with the Clerk. The final day to file a nomination paper was Friday August 19, 2022.
Campaign Finance Declarations |
Sections 88.25 and 88.32 of the Municipal Elections Act require all candidates to file a financial statement by March 31, 2023. Candidates whose campaign contributions and total expenses are more that $10,000 must also file an auditor's report.
The Clerk is required to make these financial statements available for viewing by the public on a website or in another electronic format. To view 2022 Campaign Finance Declarations, click here. |
What are the Qualifications for Mayor & Councillor? |
To run for mayor or councillor, on the day the nomination paper is filed, a person must be:
Who cannot be a Mayor or council candidate The following people are disqualified from being elected as a member of council, or from holding office as a member of council:
What are the Qualifications for School Board Trustee? |
To run for any of the four school boards on the day the nomination paper is filed, a person must be:
Who cannot be a School Board Trustee candidate The following people are disqualified from being elected as a school board trustee, or from holding office on any school board:
School board employees
School Boards in the Municipality of Meaford The following is a list of the School Boards for which qualified electors will be entitled to vote unless there are acclamations. Non-resident electors will be entitled to vote for school boards if their qualifying property is residential. Non-residential commercial or industrial property electors are not eligible to vote for school boards but are entitled to vote for other municipal officers or questions.
If you wish to run for school board trustee, you must live in the jurisdiction. |
Withdrawing a Nomination |
If you no longer wish to run in a municipal election, you must file a Withdrawal of Nomination (Form CAN04) in person before Friday August 19, 2022 at 2:00 p.m. Candidates cannot withdraw after the nomination period has closed. The candidate will still be required to submit a financial statement (due no later than Friday, March 31, 2023, at 2:00 p.m.) covering all financial transactions up to the time of the withdrawal. |
Scrutineers |
Appointment of Scrutineers A candidate may appoint scrutineers to represent them at polling stations, during the verification of vote by mail ballots and during the counting of the ballots. The appointment shall be made using the “Appointment of Scrutineer” (Form CAN05). The forms to appoint scrutineers must be signed by the candidate in person at the Municipal Office. The candidate shall provide this signed form to their scrutineer.
Rights and Prohibitions of Scrutineers Each scrutineer shall be responsible for his/her conduct, rights and prohibitions as set out on the applicable appointment form. A person appointed as a scrutineer, before being admitted to the polling station or count centre, shall show his/her applicable appointment form and provide proof of identity and residence as prescribed in O. Reg. 304/13 to the Election official. Not more than one scrutineer representing each candidate may attend a polling station at one time, including at the opening and the closing of the poll. The scrutineer/candidate must take an “Oral Oath of Secrecy” (Form POLL01) at the polling station. Not more than one scrutineer representing each candidate may attend the verification of vote by mail ballots at one time. Each candidate or scrutineer present at the verification of vote by mail ballots must take an “Oral Oath of Secrecy” (Form POLL01). Not more than two scrutineers representing each candidate may attend the count centre at one time. Additional scrutineers may be in the public areas of the building where the count centre is located. |
Campaigning |
Election Signs Candidates should refer to the Municipality’s Election Sign By-law 2018-50 and Grey County Corporate Procedure MS-TS-005-001, Advertising Sign Permit for specific details. A sign permit or a permit application is not required for election signs. Signs can be displayed no sooner than Friday, August 26, 2022. All election signs must be removed by the candidate or the candidate’s representative by Saturday, October 29, 2022. No person shall display a logo, trademark or official mark on any election sign. The name of the candidate responsible for the sign must be clearly visible on the sign.
Vandalism The investigation or prosecution for any acts of vandalism to the posters or campaign material of the candidates should be referred to the local police force by the complainant. The Municipality or any of its municipal officers, employees or agents will not be responsible. |
Key Dates |
Monday May 2
Friday, August 19 at 2 p.m.
Monday August 22
Friday, September 23
Monday, October 24
Additional Resources for Candidates |
For each municipal general election, the Province of Ontario releases a guide with information on registering as a candidate, campaign rules, financial filing requirements, and more.
2022 Candidates’ Guide for Ontario Municipal Council & School Board Elections
On April 22, 2022, Grey County and its member municipalities hosted an information session for prospective candidates and third party advertisers. The session presentations and recording are available at the links below: |
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