Information for Voters
The upcoming Municipal & School Board Election to elect a Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Councillors and School Board Trustees will be held in October 2022. Municipality of Meaford will be voting in-person or by mail.
Am I on the Voters' List? |
To you find out if you are on the Voters' List, call 519-538-1060 ext. 1100.
I want to Vote in Person |
In-person voting will take place at advance polls and on election day. You can go to any polling station. Each eligible elector will receive a polling card by mail. When you go to vote, please bring identification with you, such as your polling card and another item from this list of acceptable identification.
Election Day - Monday, October 24, 2022Polls will be open from 10:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. on election day, October 24. Choose to vote at any of the following locations:
I want to Vote by Mail |
The deadline to register to vote by mail has now passed. Voters who have registered to vote by mail and have received a confirmation letter will receive their vote by mail kit, by regular mail, in early October. If you have questions about you vote by mail registration, please e-mail or call 519-538-1060 ext. 1100. |
Who can Vote? |
Any person who meets the following qualifications is eligible to vote:
The following are not entitled to vote: The Municipal Elections Act, 1996 prohibits the following individuals from voting:
I am a Student, can I Vote? |
Voting for School Support |
MPAC maintains school support information for every property in Ontario as required by section 14(1.1) of the Assessment Act. School support information is included on every Property Assessment Notice. It is not necessary for a property owner or tenant to have children in order to support a particular school board or to vote for its trustees. However, section 16(4) of the Assessment Act requires that the school support designation default to English-Public unless the owner or tenant advises MPAC otherwise. The following is a list of the School Boards for which qualified electors will be entitled to vote unless there are acclamations. Non-resident electors will be entitled to vote for school boards if their qualifying property is residential. Non-residential commercial or industrial property electors are not eligible to vote for school boards but are entitled to vote for other municipal officers or questions.
Changing Support As required by section 16(3) of the Assessment Act, changes to school support designation must be made in writing. The property owner or tenant must complete an Application for Direction of School Support form which can be obtained from the local school board office. Once the Application for Direction of School Support has been completed and signed, it can be returned to MPAC: MPAC P.O. Box 9808 Toronto ON M1S 5T9 MPAC staff will process the school support designation change upon receipt. For questions relating to school support, contact MPAC directly at 1-866-296-MPAC (6722). |
Polling Cards |
Each eligible elector was mailed a polling card by mail at the start of October that contains your qualifying address, school support and information on poll locations and times.
If you did not receive a polling card, you are not currently on the voters’ list. To be added, you must fill out the prescribed form (MEL02- Application to Amend Voter's List) and show identification at any advance poll, on election day at any poll location or by visiting the administration office at 21 Trowbridge Street West, Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. until Friday October 21, 2022. You may also register by sending the form by e-mail with a copy of your identification.
If you receive a card addressed to someone who doesn’t live at your address, please mark the card with ‘Not at this address’ and return the polling card in the mail, or to the municipal office, or drop it off at any poll location so that we can update our list. |
Be sure to check this page often for all updates and information regarding the 2022 Municipal & School Board Elections. If you have any questions or have any comments about the election, please do not hesitate to contact the Office of the Clerk:
Matt Smith, Clerk
519-538-1060 ext. 1115
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