A library card is free for all – residents of the Municipality of Meaford and non-residents. Simply visit the library and show us a piece of valid identification including your name, current address, and signature, to obtain a membership card. We do not offer online card registration.
Visit the membership section of our site for more information on borrowing and the Library's Membership and Circulation Policy.
Loans and Renewal Periods:
Movies: 3 days for new adult movies and 1 week for others and new series movies, no renewals allowed
Magazines: 1 week, 1 renewal
New Adult Books: 2 weeks, 1 renewal (provided the item is not on hold for another patron)
Technology and Other Equipment: 3-21 days, no renewals
Snowshoes: 1 week, no renewals
Kits: Up to 3 weeks (includes Puzzles and Pickleball Sets)
Non-circulating: reference materials and items marked "not for loan" in the catalogue
Ontario Parks Day-Use Pass: 1 week, no renewal, one pass per family
Grey Sauble Conservation Parking Pass: 3 days with no renewal, one pass per family
Interlibrary loans: 3 weeks, 1 renewal (if approved by the lending library)
Late Charges:
We encourage patrons to return materials by their due date so others may enjoy the item.
Fees will be charged for damaged items and items out for more the 30 days.
The maximum late fee charges is $5 per item. Patrons with more than $5 in charges on their account are unable to borrow items from the library and the e-Library.
Books and Magazines: Replacement fee of book/magazine if not returned after 30 days.
Movies: Replacement fee for movie if not returned after 30 days.
Technology, Equipment, and Kits: Replacement fee for technology if not returned after 14 days.
Interlibrary Loans: 25 cents/day overdue charges. $5 charge for failure to pick up items or item cancelled while in transit from the lending library.
To request an interlibrary loan item contact: Library Staff at libraryinfo@meaford.ca, or 519-538-3500.
Self-serve Interlibrary Loan:
Exciting News!
On Tuesday, November 12, the Ontario Library Service launched for Ontario Public libraries, a new Inter Library Loan (ILL) system called Worldshare.
As staff get used to the new system, the library patron self-serve interlibrary loan service will not be available until the end of January 2025.
For these users, please submit any ILL requests directly to libraryinfo@meaford.ca
The Library will launch the new self-serve site in the new year. Stay tuned!
Purchase suggestions:
Before you recommend a purchase, please search the catalogue to ensure the Library doesn't already own the title.
You may make a purchase suggestion in person at the main circulation desk and please provide the title, author and date of publication.
You may also make a purchase suggestion through our online catalogue. Sign in to your account, click on My Purchase Suggestions on the left menu, choose New Purchase Suggestion and fill in the form. To sign into your account, use your 14-digit library card number located on the back of your library card, do not enter spaces, and the last 4 digits of your phone number as your PIN/password.
Generally, we do not purchase specialized, academic and older titles. These may be requested through Interlibrary Loan.
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